Water and sewege
The water supply is made from two branch pipes from the city water pipe, then is taken over by the SEMA PARC's own network. This network has medium depth wells and a buried water tank with pumping station for fire extinction.
The sewerage network, both for pluvial water and domestic use, also belongs to SEMA PARK and works as a unitary system.
Sema Parc
Our values
1. Customer satisfaction
Satisfaction and exceeding customer expectations is the philosophy of every employee, and this is the nucleus around which we conduct business around.
We are constantly concerned with professional development and maintaining the highest level of satisfaction to our customers.
2. Professionalism
Each member of team Sema Parc is a professional in....
Licenses and certifications
The industrial park title was granted to Sema Parc under the Order No. 130/04.02.2004 issued by the Ministry of Administration and Interior, and published in the Official Gazette Part I no. 134 dated 16.02.2004, as amended by Order no. 533/02.07.2008 issued by the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reform and....