In SEMA PARC opened two sports halls
Facilities enjoyed by residents of Sema (restaurants, shops, branch banking, car wash, etc.) are added starting with October 2010 two modern centers dedicated to sports activities, whose launch took place almost simultaneously .
One is RESPECT GYM, a space dedicated to fitness and aerobic dance, and a hall where lessons are taught for contact sports. Moreover, in this room already train some known names in Romanian contact sports.
The second TENNIS TOP sports center is a modern table tennis room, both professional and amateur, a space that meets all the requirements imposed by the Romanian Federation profile, but where you can rent tables at prices more than affordable.
Sema Parc
Our values
1. Customer satisfaction
Satisfaction and exceeding customer expectations is the philosophy of every employee, and this is the nucleus around which we conduct business around.
We are constantly concerned with professional development and maintaining the highest level of satisfaction to our customers.
2. Professionalism
Each member of team Sema Parc is a professional in....
Licenses and certifications
The industrial park title was granted to Sema Parc under the Order No. 130/04.02.2004 issued by the Ministry of Administration and Interior, and published in the Official Gazette Part I no. 134 dated 16.02.2004, as amended by Order no. 533/02.07.2008 issued by the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reform and....